Invite participants to join an ongoing call


Currently, the dial out and SMS features are available to VidyoCloud Health customers only.

Dial out to invite participants

Send an SMS to invite participants

In the VidyoConnect desktop app, if you are a registered user and you launch a video call, you can invite others to your call by dialing out or by using SMS. Additionally, if you become the call moderator using the moderator PIN, you can invite others to join the call by dialing out, but you cannot invite them using SMS.

If you are a participant or guest that has joined the call, you cannot invite other users to join that call.

Dial out to invite participants

As a moderator, while your meeting/conference is in progress, you can use the Call feature in the app to invite others to join the meeting by dialing out.

  1. Click the Call tab on the left side of the VidyoConnect desktop app.
  2. In the Invite a participant to the call pop-up, enter the phone number of the person you want to invite.
  3. You are required to enter a country code before you can complete your call. Click the down arrow beside the flag to display a list of available country codes in the app.


As of version 21.2.0, service to support the dial out feature is limited to the United States and Canada.

  1. After you have entered the phone number click CALL.

A message appears on the upper right corner of the VidyoConnect app indicating that an outgoing call is being placed to that number.

  • If the user you invited answers, they are automatically added to your ongoing call.
  • If the user does not pick up, you can try calling again. A pop-up displays for you to confirm that you want to place the call again.

Send an SMS to invite participants

You can also invite others to join the meeting in progress by sending a text message though SMS.

  1. Click the Call tab on the left side of the VidyoConnect app.
  2. In the Invite a participant to the call pop-up, click SMS on the left panel.
  3. Enter the phone number of the person you want to invite.
  4. You are required to enter a country code before you can complete your call. To view the country codes that are available for use in the app, click the down arrow beside the flag.


As of version 21.2.0, service to support the dial out feature is limited to the United States and Canada.

  1. In the Enter text message text box, you can either leave the default text message or change the message as you desire.


If the room has a PIN code, a message below the Enter text message text box reminds you to tell the invited participant the PIN code so they can join the meeting successfully.

  1. Click Send SMS. A message appears on the upper-right of the VidyoConnect app indicating that an SMS message was sent to the number you entered.
  • If the invited participant receives the message, they can open the link to join your ongoing call. Where a PIN code is required, the participant must enter that code before having access to the meeting.
  • If the invited participant doesn't respond you can try sending the text message again. A pop-up displays for you to confirm that you want to re-send the message.