Use the API key

Now that you've obtained the API key, you can continue as described in this section.

Query the VidyoGateway status

Use the API key to query the status of the VidyoGateway via http. The following example uses Curl. 


curl --location --request GET 'http://GATEWAYIP/config/api/v1/status' \
--header 'apikey: APIKEY' \
--header 'Cookie: GATEWAYSID=6768AEC0A722417BAB3687281FE67264' \
--data-raw ''

  • Replace the GATEWAYIP with the local IP of your active VidyoGateway.
  • Replace the APIKEY with the key you have generated.

Sample output


Use Postman 

Add the API key to the request authorization

Use Postman to add the API key into the authorization for the request.

Configure the GET request

Next, configure the GET request with the local IP of the active VidyoGateway and the API call.

The following example uses "http(s)//ACTIVEGWIP/config/api/v1/status".

Query the nodes on a cluster and the calls on each node


Example: http(s)://ACTIVEGWIP/config/api/v1/nodes



Query only the nodes in maintenance mode


Example http(s)//ACTIVEGWIP/config/api/v1/maintenance

