
If you want to use an on-premises Epic integration, you must first enable it in the Super Admin. If you are a cloud customer, your Epic integration will already be enabled.

Both on-premises and cloud customers need to configure Epic integration in the Tenant Admin for each tenant that's going to use this integration. Alternatively, you can enable it via REST APIs. For information about how to configure it via the REST APIs, see EPIC Integration REST Services under VidyoPlatform.


If you need to enable context aware linking on Epic, select this link!68!50!1621949,3769901, and then log in with your credentials.

Follow the applicable below prerequisites to ensure a smooth transition with your Epic integration. Verify versions, compatibility and ensure that you have the proper Epic security updates installed on your epic environment prior to upgrading to Vidyo. 

  1.  Starting with the Epic February 2019 release, Epic requires the inclusion of an Epic-Client-ID for all third-party integrations that use their APIs.
    • Only VidyoPortal version 19.3.0 and later supports the Epic CAL integration through Epic's App Orchard marketplace and will send this Epic-Client-ID whenever the SetExternalConnectionStatus API is called.
  2. Ensure that you've applied Security Update 21 to both the VidyoPortal and VidyoRouter running version 18.4.0 or later. Only use this integration with:
    • VidyoConnect Desktop 19.4.1 or later (latest version) or 18.2.0 (minimum version)
    • VidyoConnect Mobile 19.4.0 or later (latest version) or 18.1.0 (minimum version).
    • VidyoConnect Room SE 21.1.0 or later


To use Epic CAL integration with VidyoConnect Room SE, ensure that the VidyoConnect desktop application is NOT installed on the same machine.

If the VidyoConnect desktop application and the VidyoConnect Room application are installed on the same machine, when the Epic CAL URL is opened, the Download button will display based on the VidyoPortal configuration, and when selected, it will download the VidyoConnect desktop application rather than the VidyoConnect Room application.