Tenant Admin: Configure Epic CAL integration (August 2018)

To use Epic integration as an on-premises customer, you must first ensure that the Super Admin has enabled it on the system level as described in Super Admin: Enable Epic integration (August 2018).

If you are a cloud customer, you must follow the Tenant Admin steps below to configure your Epic integration. 

  1. Log in to the Admin portal using your Admin account.
  2. On the top menu, click Settings.
  3. On the left panel, expand Feature Settings and click Epic Integration. The Epic Integration page displays.
  4. Select the Enable Epic Integration check box.

  1. Select the Enable EPIC Integration checkbox.
  2. Configure the Epic integration for the tenant by entering the following information. (Vidyo supports EPIC set external connection status through a web service which allows Hyperspace to properly reflect the video visit status of the Vidyo system in the provider schedule and connect visit navigator sections):  
  1. Enter a 16-digit alphanumeric Crypt Key in the Shared Secret field. The 16-digit  crypt/shared secret key can be manually created, or you can use a key generator.


You must enter the same Shared Secret in your Epic database. This secret will be used for encrypting and decrypting the URL strings.

  1. Enter the Epic Interconnect/SetExternalConnectionStatus URL in the Notification URL field.
  2. Enter the Epic Interconnect/SetExternalConnectionStatus user name in the Notification user field.
  3. Enter the Epic Interconnect/SetExternalConnectionStatuspassword in the Notification password field.
  1. Click Save