Version 23.1.0 GA

What's new in this release?

  • Specific callback status code when moderator disconnects participant
  • When a moderator disconnects a participant from a call, the participant’s endpoint application now receives a VIDYO_CONNECTORDISCONNECTREASON_Booted status code, which clearly identifies the reason for the removal.
  • Prior to this release, when a moderator disconnected a participant from a call, the endpoint application received a VIDYO_CONNECTORDISCONNECTREASON_Terminated status code, which was the same status code given when the server shut down and when the conference was closed for all participants.
  • Migration to CameraX Jetpack library
  • For Android, we’ve migrated from Camera 1 + 2 to CameraX, which is a Jetpack library built to help make camera development easier. This library provides a consistent, easy-to-use API that works across the vast majority of Android devices, with backward compatibility to Android 5.0 (API level 21).
  • Bug fixes
  • In this release, we've addressed some important issues to improve usability and reliability.

Resolved issues

The following table lists the issue we have resolved in VidyoClient for API Binary Library version 23.1.0.

VidyoClient for API Binary Library version 23.1.0 - resolved issues



VIDVCB-1518 and

The VidyoClient library still photo capture capability was forcing a camera format that was not supported by specific cameras, thereby not allowing permission for those cameras. The logic was corrected so that a supported camera format is now chosen for capturing the video, and the camera permission is allowed.


The VidyoClient Bluetooth reconnect retry limit has been set to 3, thereby preventing VidyoClient from repeatedly attempting to reconnect.


An issue has been resolved where VidyoClient was crashing when a user tried to cancel a room join request.


We updated the logic for choosing the size and aspect ratio of the self-view tile to address some resizing issues.


We addressed an issue where users experienced a delay in viewing shared PowerPoint slides, from MAC, when they were under lossy network conditions where video frames were getting dropped.

Known issues

There are no new known issues for this release.